At Taproot we work with our customers to imagine and develop ideas that can be translated into Internet-based answers that go so far beyond being just a solution, they become part of the business strategy.
In 1998 the Alban Institute decided that although they were a very small non-profit organization, they wanted to begin a transformation of the sales fulfillment process that would take four years to complete. They also wanted to develop a web solution that allowed people to connect to resources and programs of value.
Alban had to find ways to change work patterns, define roles of the participating groups of people, and budget the funds to pay for the work they wanted to accomplish.
We established workflow processes, thematic approaches to the site, new web-based relationships with outside vendors who already worked with Alban, and most importantly, we provided a functional plan that gave them visible connections to the long range goal they established for themselves. Taproot made the imagination of Alban happen in less than three years, allowing them to profit from the work a year earlier than planned.
Alban's Indianapolis Center for Congregations was tasked to build one of the most robust congregational resource websites available anywhere. Taproot Technologies was asked to participate in this process primarily because of the work already in process with Alban. The entire project was expected to take up to three years to accomplish. Work on the project began in mid-1999, with the first presentation of conceptual drawings. By the end of 1999, the first demonstration of the website was completed for the customer. Data collection tools, customized IP-based update screens for users, and building relationships with co-linking partners were completed as part of the next phase of work. Today the site is live, and represents a major milestone in congregational resource availability anywhere.
SpaceWorks®, Inc. has built software solutions that already have driven billions in B2B Web-based revenue. As a leading provider of B2B e-Commerce application solutions for Global 2000 manufacturers, distributors and supplier-driven marketplaces, SpaceWorks needed a cutting-edge website that would show their large-scale enterprise clients the kind of professional web interaction expected from a world-class B2B e-commerce leader. Taproot has been involved as a subcontractor with SpaceWorks for some time, building and supporting the technical back end for three entire site reconstructions, utilizing two different graphical design firms. In addition to direct web-based solutions, including on-line class registration, data entry and reporting, surveys, and database driven, auto-generated script construction, Taproot assisted SpaceWorks personnel in the areas of database design and deployment, IT issues, and software training.
Find your way to Imagine your needs on the Internet, and then contact us. We will work with you from design to "shine," and we support what we build.